
May Images

Just in case you missed any during the month!

Holly Berries

These will turn cherry red just in time for the Christmas decorations.


Making Hay

Hay fields cut and drying in the sun before being put into bales.


Little Porkers

These lazy little porkers were enjoying the sun and mud as I wondered through the country roads.


Orange Poppies

Poppies on a hillside.


Fancy a Shag?

A farmer near me is introducing a few rare breeds to his cattle line. This guy reminds me of a teenager in need of a bangs trimming!


Barn on a Hill

Great old barn on a hill


Of Horses and Bobbers

While I was stopped on the country bridge shooting this pasture and horses I laughed to see all the bobbers caught on the telephone line overhead.


Different Dandelion

Tall yellow dandelions in the field


Dual Rows

Odd to see a farmer plant in dual rows.


Hamn Beer Ad

Does anyone remember the old Hamns beer signs? This local stream really reminds me of that. A favorite spot for summer shooting.

A deer walked up as I was framing the shot! Odd to see them out during the day like this.


Yellow Markers

My eye got caught up with the yellow insulators on this fence line.


Iris and Poppies

Iris' and poppies are just one of the many road side flowers seen in the country here.


All Natural??

One of my neighbors finally raised her prices from .99 cents a dozen. Her new sign looks nice and rustic..

I haven't shown you images of the windmills in a while. They are all completed and the drives and fields have been cleaned of debris and the planting has begun around them. They aren't turning yet, so no power is being generated. It appears that a second wave of installations will begin in the fall after the crops are down. 66 Unit are up................. the next group will be 100..

We are not getting one as we hoped though...... it would need to be 750 feet from the house and 350 feet from the barns.............. We just aren't big enough! Sigh!!!



Morning Doves

This pair is setting up house just outside my bedroom window.


Tree Peony

Nothing quite compares to the sent of a peony! And when they get this large and are off the ground in a tree it's even better. I so need to grow one of these beauties.. the bloom in about 5 1/2 inches across!!! Wow!!!


Parrot Tulip

These parrot tulips lay fully open an relaxed enjoying the late evening sun for one more day.


Rolling Hills

Morning Fog rests into the fields showing the rolling nature of our small hills.


Grinding Away all the Woodlands

The workers are starting to grind away all the trees and shrubs along the new building areas between Seneca and Morris,Il.


Wild Flower

These popped up on one of the roads sides I travel and they remind me of a kind of wild hyacinth. Just not totally sure.


Sun & Shadow

Taken for the Ravelry Theme


Old McDonald's

Happy birthday party at what the kids call "Old McDonald's"


Promise Fulfilled

When spring begins to refresh the lawns and trees, I kind of hold my breath waiting. It's when this years seeds really start to grow that I know that Spring has kept it's promise.


Spring Angel


Spring Lane

What a lovely driveway to come home to. Spotted just south of Seneca, IL


The Lilacs are in full Bloom

What a great joy my lilac stand brings me. Finally a year with full blooms!! Oh, and don't forget to imagine the lovely scent of them flowing over the house and yards!!


Star burst

I parked next to these crab apple trees this morning and noticed that they were a bit different in how floppy the petals where. I also liked how the petal-less blooms looked like star bursts of small fireworks.


Lilac Blossoms

Nothing says country nearly as well as a large stand of Lilacs. These are on of my prizes and within a day or so there will be vases overfilled in nearly every room of the house.


Blooms & Cupola

I built this little cupola to sit on top of my garden house. I just love spying it through the limbs of one of the apple trees.


Pine Buds

Spring brings new growth everywhere, even to the stately pine tree and a fresh crop of blooms or cones that start life with a purple color.
